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Get in Touch with Us
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What type of clients do you work with?
We work with a small group of families and corporations that have over 1 million dollars to invest and demand a rigorous financial plan and customized portfolio to satisfy their goals.
2. How do Clients compensate you?
Shadowbrook is a Fee-Only Fiduciary and does not charge brokerage commission for transactions. Clients pay an annual fee based on their asset level.
3. Do you charge a fee for basic financial plans for non-Clients?
Prospective Clients that would like to begin a relationship will not be charged a fee for a basic financial plan (Monte Carlo analysis). The Wealth & Legacy Strategy is what distinguishes us, this experience is offered exclusively for Shadowbrook Clients.
4. Do you build customized portfolios or use a model?
All clients receive a customized and unique portfolio that is designed based on Monte Carlo analysis.
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